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If you are here, that means you have embarked on the journey into the content marketing world, and it would seem you need a quick guide on what Content marketing entails. Don’t worry, you have come to the right place. 

One of the best marketing strategies available to companies is content marketing. With Content Marketing, your brand can become more than just a business. It can help you tell a story, serve as a guide, and be a trusted friend. However, while optimizing the benefits content marketing offers, you should keep in mind the fundamentals of content marketing so you can profit more than you are now.

Content marketing is not new, nor is it going away. Content consumption surged by 207% as a result of the pandemic. In fact, 53% of marketers intend to improve the quality of their content, and 55% intend to post content more frequently in the future. It all boils down to selecting the ideal combination of media for content marketing that will attract more attention.

The problem is that it’s hard to predict what the future will bring, but if you have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of content marketing, you can weather the storm and build a profitable company. Therefore, in this article, we’ll walk you through all the information you need before you venture into content marketing.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that centers on producing and disseminating valuable, pertinent, and consistent content to entice and retain the attention of a target audience and, eventually, encourage profitable consumer action. In other words, you create and disseminate to your current and prospective customers relevant and beneficial blogs, newsletters, white papers, social media posts, emails, videos, etc. 

It’s an inbound marketing technique that uses engaging, educational, or informative content to provide value to your company’s audience. When properly executed, this content communicates expertise and demonstrates how much your business values the customers it serves.

This goes beyond simply pitching a product to a prospective buyer; you convey helpful information and track the buyer from the awareness stage through the decision-making stage. The consumer is at the center of your brand’s messaging when using this type of marketing. Content marketing engages customers throughout the customer journey instead of being bombarded with messages filled with advertisements.

Although it might sound like advertising, this explanation is not. One-time advertisements don’t convey your concern for your customers as content marketing does. With an emphasis on audience building, content marketing helps you offer prospects and customers relevant and helpful content to address problems in their personal or professional lives (B2B content) rather than just selling them goods or services outright (B2C content). 

Business-to-business (B2B) marketers claim that B2B content marketing boosts lead generation and engagement at a rate of 67%.

People want to feel important in the current digital era more than ever before. Regular use of content marketing facilitates building and maintaining relationships with both present and potential customers. And for you as a marketer, the most precious resource to you in today’s louder and noisier world is maintaining the attention and confidence of consumers. Therefore, if your audience believes your company is a helpful guide, advisor, and partner who cares about their success, they will likely come to you when it is time to purchase.

How Does Content Marketing Work?

what is content marketing

Content marketing generates applicable materials in numerous formats, including ebooks, infographics, videos, weblog posts, or even tools. Typically, a content marketing plan targets the funnel’s awareness, consideration, and decision stages by utilizing a range of content themes and forms.

The Awareness Stage

The first phase of any customer journey is awareness. This is when clients realize they have a problem or an issue. At this point, content marketing should refrain from overtly promoting your products or solutions, instead concentrating on the needs and pain points of the consumer. The best content formats for the awareness stage are high-level eBooks, instructional how-to videos, and blogs that answer frequently asked questions through a FAQ.

The Consideration Stage

When your audience reaches the consideration stage, they know they have an issue and are looking for solutions. At this point, businesses can incorporate a few strategically placed promotions into the content, but they should still provide value through content marketing. How-to blogs and informative infographics are the best content types at this stage.

The Decision Stage

Your audience selects whether or not to accept your solution during the decision-making stage. At this point, you should use more sales-related content in your content marketing strategy. Presently, content such as buyer guides, product demo videos, comparison lists, and customer testimonials are successful. Businesses can also use paid retargeting ads to re-engage with lost leads.

Key Elements Of Content Marketing

A crucial element of any marketing plan is content marketing. It is among your most effective tools for increasing website traffic, lead generation, and conversions. However, because there are so many various kinds of content marketing strategies, creating a B2B content marketing plan can take time. Let’s look at the key elements you need.

A specific audience

Rather than focusing solely on highly promotional sales messages, successful content marketing revolves around producing content that is helpful to your audience. The Content Marketing Institute found that 90% of leading B2B marketers strive to provide informative content that appeals to their target market.

But to create helpful content for your audience, you must first determine who your audience is. If you are aware of your target audience, you will be able to write for them. As such, when developing a content marketing strategy, you must be very specific about your target market.

Consider closely examining your present clientele. Who are they, and why do they purchase from you? Examine their demographics in more detail, paying particular attention to age, location, occupation, etc. This will help you more accurately determine the type of customer base drawn to your products and brand.

Make every effort to learn about the people that make up your target market. Making the best marketing decisions will be simpler for you if you have a deeper understanding of reality as seen through their eyes. It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that your job is to affect actual human behaviour and decision-making, not merely rearrange spreadsheet data.

Michael Lykke Aagaard

Look at the people your competitors are pursuing next. Are there any target audiences that you should have included? Are they passing up any possible clients? Utilize these combined insights to define better your target audience’s characteristics, values, and areas of discomfort.

Specific objectives

A marketer must have a clear vision of his ideal success before launching a content marketing campaign. Setting a specific, quantifiable goal for your campaign is essential because it will help you gauge its success.

Also, increasing brand recognition, establishing credibility, producing leads, or achieving other objectives will help you gauge your success. Knowing the most popular content marketing objectives can help you envision your potential. For example, the CMI study mentioned earlier found that 81% of B2B marketers have used content marketing to increase brand awareness.

However, marketers should ensure that the objective is exact and has a defined time frame. For example, you cannot simply set a goal to “create more leads” since there is no way to gauge your campaign’s success truly. Instead, your goal ought to be to generate a certain amount of leads in a given amount of time. In this instance, your objective might be to produce twice as many leads in the ensuing three months.

But be sure your objective is also doable. Your team may become demotivated if you set an impossible goal, even if it is precise and quantifiable. For example, you might need more writers or resources to continue generating the volume of content needed to meet the target.

Decide on a quantifiable objective that is centred on the benefit you can provide to both your clients and your business. Subscribing is my preferred metric to employ. If you provide material that genuinely benefits your clients, subscribers will let you know. The fact that subscribers provide value to your business is a further advantage.

Michael Brenner

This is why it’s so important to consider your current situation and available resources when creating a campaign goal.

Buyer personas

Like other marketing initiatives, relevant buyer personas are necessary for successful content marketing. As the CMI mentioned earlier, the study revealed that 77% of the most prosperous B2B marketers utilize personas in their content marketing.

One cannot possibly satisfy the demands of his whole audience with a single piece of content. There’s a chance that the people in your audience have varying roles and values. Therefore, to succeed, you must create content that will speak to each of their needs.

When selecting a product or service, a customer may have entirely different priorities than another. White labeling capabilities and account switching are two features an agency using your social media management and reporting tool might value highly. 

However, money might be the main worry for a small startup. They might be searching for something that does the job well and doesn’t cost much money. Content that successfully addresses these particular issues is what you need to produce. Because of this, it is essential to specify the distinct buyer personas your campaign will focus on. To visually depict every persona thoroughly, utilize Socialbakers’ AI Persona Mapping tool.

You can give each persona a name, an avatar, and other characteristics, such as age and education, to further define them. You can also include details about their industry, job title, organization size, duties, challenges, and other aspects of running a business.

With this tool, you can truly delve into the details of each buyer persona. Consequently, when producing, disseminating, or advertising content for your campaign, every member of your team can use it as a guide.

A wide variety of content

A marketer includes a blog in every content marketing strategy because the goal is to engage readers with educational content. But blog posts aren’t the only content you should use for your campaign. Only some blog readers will be interested in reading your posts; others might be more interested in visual or audio content.

Thus, make sure the content in your campaign is varied enough to appeal to a variety of personas. Showcase your products by making ebooks, webinars, infographics, and videos. In addition, create case studies, interview influential people in the industry, and host podcasts.

Consider the efficacy of different content types based on your customers’ lifecycle stage. Blog posts, articles, ebooks, podcasts, and videos are the most helpful at the awareness stage, per the CMI study previously mentioned.

Whitepapers, webinars, case studies, and interactive content are perfect for the intermediate stages. For the last leg of the buyer’s journey, case studies and live events work best.

To determine which of these content kinds to concentrate more on, pay careful attention to how each one performs. You can run an experiment by tagging your content with distinct UTM parameters that you can monitor to gauge each person’s performance.

This will gauge the volume of visitors each kind of content brings to your website. You’ll receive a far more thorough analysis of the performance of your content than just tracking shares and interactions. On the other hand, mass UTM tagging can be laborious and challenging to monitor.

You can make UTM templates that you can alter for every piece of content using tools like This implies that by using a single template, you can generate numerous tagged URLs. The tool also records them all to ensure you never lose track of your tagged URLs

Choosing the Ideal Content Marketing Platform

Humans are limited in their ability to carry out even the most well-thought-out plans for content marketing campaigns. Your team becomes less efficient, productive, and organized when the right tools are not in place. Furthermore, without technology, it would be impossible to carry out campaign-related tasks like performance measurement.

The most prosperous B2B businesses leverage technology to the fullest extent possible in their content marketing endeavors, according to the CMI study

The study also goes on to show that advanced content marketing technology proficiency is possessed by 67% of the most successful marketers. 86% claim to use technology to comprehend how well content performs. Additionally, 73% claim that technology aids in their comprehension of the preferences and behavior of their audience.

Thus, choosing the appropriate content marketing platform is also essential for a successful campaign. Make the appropriate platform investments for each stage of your campaign, from development and planning to publishing and tracking. For example, Socialbakers is ideal for publishing, project management, and social media management. It can also be used for your campaign’s research and planning stages.

A solid publicizing and distribution plan

Distribution and promotion are essential components of your campaign in the context of content marketing. In order to boost brand exposure, engagement, and conversions, a marketer needs a large audience to view his content. Ensure you have a good plan for promoting and distributing your content.

Choose the channels that will best help your content get distributed.  Selecting the social media sites where your audience is most active will be necessary to achieve this. You could experiment with various distribution methods to determine the most effective and then refocus your efforts on those channels.

Distribution of your content through content syndication platforms is something else you ought to think about. Social media-sponsored posts can also be quite effective, especially at first.

Some businesses also collaborate with influential people to market their content. This can be very effective because you’ll be able to reach a relevant and established audience. But be ready to shell out cash for those promotions through influencer content.

Only 15% to 18% of people trust companies on social media; 90% of people trust their peers—even strangers.

Danny Brown

According to a study by Influence. co, sponsored posts on Instagram usually cost between $124 and $1,405. However, this rate might also change based on the platform, promotion type, and niche.

Objectives Of Content Marketing

Increase conversion rates

A low conversion rate means that your website traffic will not translate into revenue, even if you have a lot of visitors who do not become customers. Your profitability is directly affected by conversion rates. Your business will gain more clients and revenue with a higher conversion rate.

Ensuring your material is relevant to your audience’s requirements, passions, and problems is the first step toward raising your conversion rates. 

When creating content, marketers include calls-to-action (CTAs) to encourage readers to take action, such as downloading a white paper, scheduling a consultation, or signing up for a free trial. Also, by raising conversion rates, marketers get more mileage from current marketing and traffic strategies and turn more qualified leads into paying customers.

Building Brand Awareness

Marketers produce content that aligns with the interests and values of their target audience to foster brand loyalty. Research shows customers are likelier to remain devoted and make repeat purchases when they emotionally connect with your brand. 

Increasing brand advocacy and loyalty through organic channels is crucial for developing a solid brand. Marketers establish a stronger relationship with their target audience by showcasing their distinct brand voice in blog posts, how-to manuals, and case studies that are relevant to them and accurately represent the principles and essence of their business. 

Most marketers help followers understand their brand’s personality by interacting with them on social media, in comments, and through email marketing. Customers sharing their experiences through user-generated content, such as social media posts and reviews, can boost brand loyalty. Additionally, when consumers support a brand, they will tell others about it, raising sales and brand awareness.

Perform your craft so expertly that they’ll want to invite their friends and watch it again.

Walt Disney

Brand sentiment can tell you how your audience feels about your brand and where you can improve, while customer lifetime value can help you determine how devoted and long-term your current customers are.

Lead Generation

Any business needs lead generation because it offers a consistent flow of prospective clients. You can increase the number of leads in your content marketing funnel, maintain contact with potential clients, and ultimately increase sales. Your business might stagnate, and your sales pipeline may deteriorate without consistent lead flow. 

Lead generation can be enhanced through organic channels like email marketing, blogs, and social media. By producing insightful content that appeals to your target audience, you can draw in new clients and motivate them to take action. This could be requesting a demo, downloading a white paper, or subscribing to your newsletter.

Lead nurturing can be successful when you publish e-books, white papers, webinars, and blog posts that address your target audience’s face and establish your brand as an authority. To get people to enter your lead pipeline and provide you with their contact information, offer free trials or consultations.

Increasing your sales pipeline and overcoming stagnant business growth are two benefits of improving lead generation. Your sales team will appreciate the additional assistance. You can ensure that the leads coming from your content marketing efforts are qualified for your company by conversing with your sales team to evaluate the quality of the leads.

Improve search rankings

As a marketer, If you can’t find your target audience with your content, what good is it? 

You will lose business opportunities if potential clients have trouble finding your website due to poor search engine rankings. Lack of exposure on search engine results pages could make it difficult for your brand to draw in your target market and cause it to fall behind rivals in your sector.

Ranking high on search engines increases your brand’s visibility and facilitates the discovery of your website by users searching for related keywords. The likelihood of someone visiting your website increases with its ranking on search engines like Google.

By producing content optimized for relevant keywords, SEO can help achieve this objective. You can establish topical authority for a niche by using keyword research to find keyword cluster opportunities.

Improving your search engine rankings will increase visitors and direct the people you want to see your content.

Types of Content in Content Marketing

Most marketers employ various forms of content marketing to establish connections with their target audience on various channels. A company’s business strategy and the target audience it needs to reach will determine what kind of content it produces.

Blog Posts

Blogs are textual tools companies use to advertise their goods, discuss market trends, or showcase their areas of expertise. Most businesses write blogs for their websites to gain links, but they also frequently write guest blogs for other websites. Although blogs are primarily text-based, companies often produce original images and videos for them to boost reader interaction.

One of the most widely used types of content marketing is blogging, as it makes companies stand out to search engines and human readers. Research shows Companies that blog receive 67% more leads than those that don’t. Because blogging is easier to create, more affordable to produce, and more search engine friendly than multimedia like video, it is an excellent addition to any content marketing strategy.

Each blog post should concentrate on a single subject for businesses to benefit from blogging. Developing a blend of short-form (500–1,000 words), medium-form (1,200–2,000 words), and long-form (more than 2,000 words) content is also a brilliant idea. But keep in mind that length isn’t always beneficial. You risk losing readers if you take too long to get to the point. Make sure the long-form content you create is highly valuable. To keep readers interested, it’s a good idea to utilize a lot of headers, bullets, and bolded text. If you want to learn how to write a blog post, here’s how.


The newest big thing in content marketing is video. Videos, whether posted on your website or sites like TikTok or YouTube, allow brands to quickly and effectively convey complicated concepts and emotions to their audience. The cost of producing branded videos has decreased thanks to smartphones, which have improved the content’s visual, audio, and voiceover quality.

Many companies use video to introduce new features, provide customer endorsements, share product demos, and highlight employee success stories. Some companies use video to create immersive experiences, such as entertaining game shows or concerts, to strengthen their bonds with viewers.

Despite the reluctance of brands to create their videos in the past, all businesses should incorporate video into their content marketing strategy. The popularity of multimedia is growing because it’s more convenient for users to consume and share with others. In fact, this is a great way to meet customer expectations, as 88% of consumers say that watching branded videos helped them decide whether or not to buy a good or service.

Live video, on the other hand, is more effective than video. According to Grandview Research, the market for video streaming is expected to reach $330.51 billion by 2030, and people love to watch. 57% of consumers surveyed by HubSpot report watching live videos thrice a week. What are their preferred platforms for doing so? Yes, social media, of which YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are the most popular. You guessed it.

Why is live streaming so popular? It’s probably transparency. The audience sees the individual’s true identity; they may make a mistake, and they cannot edit the video. Put another way, it’s genuine, and modern consumers want that.

To wrap up this section, consider this brief advice: Weekly live videos are a great way to establish a relationship with your audience. Post them simultaneously each week, so viewers know when to log on to social media and watch.


Using podcast content marketing, Businesses can leverage audio-first content to connect with niche audiences. Businesses can start their podcasts or appear as guests on other podcasts in their sector to reach a wider audience of prospective clients. Businesses that have a branded podcast provide solutions to the problems that their audience is facing. They also often include customer testimonials, industry trends, case studies, and other narratives that elicit strong feelings from their listeners.

A lack of knowledge about using audio-only content causes many businesses to miss out on podcasting’s potential. Yet, podcasts are becoming a more popular way for companies to connect with their clientele. Plus, more people are listening to podcasts. Following the pandemic, sales of smart speakers rose by 22%, encouraging more people to listen to podcasts.

Businesses can use podcasts to expand their audience, gain credibility, and hold listeners’ attention for over an hour. Podcasts can also be converted into blog transcripts, social media quote posts, or tweet threads to expedite and broaden the content creation process. This is similar to what happens with video content.

Social media

Social media marketing entails producing and disseminating content on pertinent social networks. Brands use social media platforms to post text, image, and video content as part of their social media marketing strategy. 

Some social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, and others; however, most businesses select a combination of these that best suits the interests of their audience. LinkedIn and Twitter are also very successful platforms for B2B brands.

Social media is an important tool for content marketing because it allows companies to interact and socialize with their customers wherever they are. You can share updates and entertaining content on social media to engage your target audience rather than attempting to engage customers via email or your website.

This enables your followers to spread the word about your content, which should help your business gain more exposure and go viral. The best part is that social media can develop into a paid or natural referral source that consistently drives visitors to your website.

Even though organic content marketing is the norm, paid advertising content can also be used to advertise your company. Through textual content copy, images, and video content material, paid advertising content material advertises your organization to customers on search engines, social media, and different websites. The secret is to present an alluring offer that compels viewers to discover more, mainly because paid advertising networks bill companies by impression and click.

The costliest kind of content marketing is paid advertising, but it has the advantage of producing results faster than organic content. Additionally, it can expose a company’s content to a broader audience of prospective customers who otherwise might have yet to hear about it.

Content Marketing Examples

Blog Content Examples

All the Food

All the Food is devoted to listing every restaurant and bar in Dublin. All the Food is a dedicated blog website instead of one that incorporates a blog into its content, as are some other websites on this list. This blog offers a variety of blog content, including neighborhood listings, travel guides, and restaurant reviews. 

This blog is divided into six sections: travel guides, restaurants, neighborhoods, reviews, and what’s new. The exciting thing is that, depending on the type of content, each category page has a different structure. The blog post pages are the same. This demonstrates Editor Lisa Cope’s mastery of content and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to page structure if you want to deliver an excellent user experience.


New or soon-to-be parents can read the blog of Bonsie, a store specializing in skin-to-skin clothing for babies. With a focus on vital subjects like breastfeeding, childbirth, and postpartum recovery, the blog seeks to improve the relationship between new parents and their babies.

The blog is cleverly laid out for quick and easy reading to suit the schedules of working new parents. It takes two to three minutes to read each post, which is indicated in the post. A visually appealing and user-friendly experience is ensured using high-resolution imagery and concise paragraphs to enhance the content.

Easy email and social media distribution is made possible by the blog’s integration of sharing buttons at the bottom of each post. Creating a community of support and encouraging word-of-mouth marketing enables parents to share insightful experiences and insights.

Video Content Marketing Examples

Tobias Becs

It’s unsurprising that football player Tobias Bec, a Guinness World Record holder and award-winning content creator, approaches his “News” blog differently. It includes picture galleries, vlogs, and quick notes about his everyday activities. Every post has very little text if any at all. Instead, Tobias uses his blog to organize and promote already-published videos, social media posts, and merchandise.

Not Another Cooking Show

An excellent resource for launching a food blog is Stephen Cusato’s Not Another Cooking Show. Even though Stephen mainly uses YouTube to demonstrate easy, delicious dish recipes to his audience, his visually appealing blog further entices readers to explore this brand’s culinary universe by using one of his videos as the background for his homepage. 

This recipe blog offers users an easy way to sift through the content by organizing recipes by meal category. The way each page is laid out improves the user experience even more. A video that shows the recipe in action appears at the top of each page, tempting readers to start cooking. Below, Stephen provides a straightforward recipe that makes it simple for users to follow and make the dishes from scratch.

Ebook Content Marketing Examples

The Content Creator’s Guide to Interactive Marketing

Let’s go even further with interactive content. Ceros’s Guide to Interactive Marketing excels in a few areas. First, it specifies who the ebook is intended for by using the title. Just reading the title will tell you whether this ebook is relevant if you create content.

Second, Ceros employs interactive content to support learning objectives and offer a visual experience. Interactive infographics that move, films, tests, and more are available; all depend on direct reader interaction to effectively convey the information. This ebook is entertaining as well as educational.

The Power of Visual Storytelling

An ebook on visual storytelling should have striking images. But by incorporating interactive elements into the ebook, NewsCred went above and beyond. Compared to static content, interactive content generates five times as many page views and twice as many leads. It seems evident to brands trying to stand out. This ebook example is an experience rather than just something to read.

This sample ebook includes video, animated graphics, and content that pops up as the reader scrolls through the pages. Posing questions about the material encourages readers to reflect on it immediately and identify critical points.

Interactive Content Examples


You need not worry if you don’t have a car. You can rely on Uber. To estimate the cost of their ride, Uber gave users access to an interactive quiz consisting of two short questions. Additionally, there were two choices: book a ride for later or request one now. Ideal for clients who despise math calculations! Increased customer satisfaction may result from giving users a clearer understanding of Uber’s offerings through this quiz. Furthermore, it boosts website traffic.


Sephora’s online shopping recommendation quiz goes one step further in personalization. Thanks to it, users can select from a greater variety of clean products, product types, and skin concerns. Every stage offers a variety of options so that customers can locate the ideal product for their particular requirements. Users can select multiple results at the end of the quiz, giving them the flexibility to continue making choices. 

This quiz also served as a marketing tool by allowing customers to see the brand’s wide range of offerings. Quizzes that aim to educate users and offer personalized recommendations among thousands of products are likely to be shared by users. It reduces the sales cycle’s length and enhances the customer’s interaction with the brand.

Social Media Content Examples

Taco Bell + Doja Cat TikTok

There was a minor but amazing uproar that grew louder over time at the same time as Taco Bell removed Mexican pizza from their menu in November 2020. 

How would Taco Bell reunite fans with the Mexican pizza in March after years of memes and remarks on social media? They brought on Doja Cat.

Taco Bell succeeded in targeting young millennials and Gen Z with their advertising by collaborating with an emerging star with unparalleled cultural significance and social media following. Doja Cat wrote the song that served as the campaign’s centerpiece and received 8.7 million likes and 39.1 million views.

Taco Bell sold out of the Mexican pizza a few weeks after reintroducing it to the menu temporarily and intended to return it as a permanent item in September 2022.

Pantone Connect

Pantone is not just the official color of the year. Along with connecting people on a personal, creative, and professional level, they are a company that uses color and teamwork.

Thanks to their Pantone Connect software, Pantone’s Instagram account is overflowing with user-generated content. Pantone Connect invites users to design unique, striking color schemes to post on their social media profiles. It is available as an iOS, Android, or Adobe Creative Cloud app extension.

Better yet, Pantone invites viewers to design palettes using their images. This highlights the vast color palette of Pantone and forges an emotional connection to the interactive content they produce.

Defining Content Marketing Strategy

Implementing a content marketing strategy achieves an ideal customer acquisition and sales process flow. By creating and disseminating educational content, you can accomplish this.

Trust and brand awareness are the cornerstones of successful content marketing. While business content strategies have changed over the years, the basic theme has remained unchanged.

The most effective content marketing techniques position your company as an industry leader that consumers can trust due to your knowledge. SEO uses organic traffic to help customers find you and get your content in front of people at the right time.

Before your content marketing and SEO efforts “pay the rent,” you must “put in your dues” with a well-defined focus, a data-driven strategy, and a tested set of procedures. Let’s examine some questions on the Content Marketing Strategy we have drawn up for you without further ado. 

You may better understand how to assist your target audience and what makes you different from your competition by answering the following questions.

Who is your best-case client?

Telling your brand’s story can be challenging if you don’t know who will listen. Determining the audience you want to target is the first step because of this. Here are some methods for achieving that:

  • Take a poll of your current clients.
  • Analyse market trends
  • Determine whom you wish to avoid targeting.
  • Keep track of who your rivals are pursuing.

You can more effectively and concisely explain your audience to your stakeholders using a formalized persona, and everybody engaged in brand messaging.

What type of growth are they going through?

This question is more potent because it is targeted and precise. For instance, when I ask my content marketing clients this question, they might respond, “We needed help creating content at scale,” or “We didn’t know how to create content that ranked well.” 

We’ll get into more detail by focusing our questions on their main issues, which brings us to our next question. 

What kind of challenges do they have regarding content?

The best marketers now allocate more than 40% of their budgets to content strategy since it presents excellent chances for building brands and businesses. 

Unfortunately, many businesses squander time and resources due to their ignorance of producing content that influences and engages their target audiences. This highlights some brands’ underlying problems in solving several important content marketing challenges. 

To help you with this problem, here are solutions to some content challenges you may face.

What are they looking to accomplish?

Asking this question can give you valuable context and a lot to work with. Also, it will help you narrow down what you will be targeting. 

For instance, if I were a weight loss coach, some of my clients might have tried Weight Watchers and the ketogenic diet without success. Even if you never name the alternatives, knowing that the keto diet made them feel uneasy and that they thought the point-tracking Weight Watchers was too much work can be helpful information for the study.

These can be used in the following ways and are pain points in and of themselves: 

“The client had previously tried a variety of solutions, but the diets either made them sick or required too much work to stick to.” It makes your answer seem like the best one. 

What is the end state you promise your clients?

A customer promise is a straightforward guarantee that you will meet or exceed every customer’s expectations. Simple statements like “We will give you the best after-sales service” or “We promise to deliver your pizza in 20 minutes or you get it free” are examples.

What would your best-case client do if you don’t exist?

This question lets you know your competition and see if your clients will do well without your business. You get to examine what the competition has that you don’t and vice versa.

Why are you better than the above?

This question lets you hear your client sell your product back to you by knowing the services your business provides and how its audience views it.

Moving on from the questions, take a structured approach to conduct a competitor analysis when creating your content marketing strategy. It will include sections on Competitor Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Content Goals, Content Objectives, Audience Analysis, Content Audit, Content Gaps, Topic Clusters, Content Guidelines, and Design. 

In the Competitor Analysis section, you list the names of your competitors and their websites and make observations regarding their websites, campaigns, and ads. The SWOT Analysis helps identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats compared to your competitors. 

Under Content Goals, you define what you want to achieve with your content marketing and how to measure it with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Content Objectives specify the quantity, frequency, content types, and channels for your content to achieve your goals.

The Audience Analysis involves creating profiles for your target audience, considering factors like income, pain points, desired outcomes, demographics, values, and likely objections.

A Content Audit is performed to identify what you can do better than your competitors, which content they have created that you haven’t, and which of your content needs optimization or repurposing.

Content Gaps are about identifying and addressing the questions and topics your audience is asking that need to be covered by your current content.

Topic clusters categorize your content into the funnel’s top, middle, and bottom to address various stages of the customer’s journey.

Content Guidelines cover the tone of voice, content types, topic pillars, frequency, distribution channels, style guides, content calendar, and design to ensure consistency and quality in your content marketing efforts.

Challenges and Solutions

Insufficient Resources

Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We need to preserve to innovate each day.

Elizabeth “Beth” Comstock

Creating content is simple. Making quality content is far more complex.

Creating consistent and high-quality content requires effort and expertise. For a good reason: many small businesses handle their content marketing. As a small-time marketer, you are the best person to blog about whatever you do because no one knows your business like you do.

Running your business can sometimes take priority over creating consistently excellent content.

One of the main obstacles to content marketing that many businesses encounter is a need for more time. Another is insufficient funding. It makes sense, after all, to pay someone else to create content if you lack the time to do it yourself. The issue with this strategy is that many aspiring content creators face the project management triangle because it requires expertise to create outstanding content.


There will always be a cost associated with producing content, whether you choose to do it internally or through outsourcing. You may have to pay someone to create your content or put in the time necessary to produce content of a consistently high caliber yourself.

While outsourcing is a more cost-effective choice, it is not without risks. To begin with, you are dependent on another business to keep a consistent production schedule. Secondly, you run the risk of releasing content that doesn’t make the most of your experience and industry knowledge or doesn’t even live up to your minimal standards of editorial quality, both of which could damage your brand.

If you decide to create your content instead, it can save you a ton of money, but you might need to work many more hours unless you can juggle running a blog and a business.

Although it’s easy to mistake content for a “free” marketing tactic, it isn’t. Before you write your first post, be ready to handle the material expenses of content marketing or have someone else do it for you.

Increasing Competition

There is a long history of blogging about anything, whether enterprise-level IT hardware or your tiny needlework business. There has never been more fierce competition for your audience’s attention, exacerbating the situation.

Sadly, the first difficulty is made worse by this one. What can you do as the competition for small audiences (even big ones) gets more fierce? It takes more time, money, or both to create better content. As a result, there is a virtual arms race to see who can create the best content most often. Furthermore, as the competition for readers’ attention heats up, so do their expectations, which puts even more pressure on you to continually produce not just decent content but truly outstanding content.


Nothing is guaranteed in the world of content marketing, but one thing is certain: if your material is poor, you will fail. If you want to develop and maintain a significant following, you must publish only the best content possible in every post for years to come.

Even the greatest blogs occasionally post mediocre content, so it’s practically hard always to produce great content. However, you should aim for nothing less than perfection. To give your content the best chance of success, you must also aggressively promote it (for instance, by reposting it on Medium and other websites where it may reach a wider audience).

Sometimes, more is needed to publish excellent content.

Although we have previously discussed the value of content promotion, the landscape of content is quickly changing to place a strong emphasis on paid promotion.

While “organic” social media promotion is still very much in its place, more and more attention is being paid to getting your content in front of the people you want to see. This is because platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide increasingly sophisticated ways to segment audiences and reach the right people at the right price.

This problem has a complex answer. Consider paid promotion options if you wish to grow your audience and reach more people aggressively. Otherwise, relying only on organic social media promotion might work fine. 


Your company’s ideal social media advertising plan will depend on many factors.

  • Expenses
  • Target market composition
  • Typical behaviors of your audience on social media
  • Content type 
  • Content compatibility with devices 
  • Desired business results.

In an upcoming post, we’ll review how to use a tight budget to promote content on social media. Before launching larger (and more expensive) promotional campaigns, it is worthwhile to test the efficacy of your campaigns with paid content promotion on a small scale.

Ensure your campaigns have goals, regardless of how much you spend on content promotion. If you wish to gain more supporters, enhance traffic from referrals, gather emails to send out in a newsletter or acquire external connections from trade journals, make sure you know what you want your campaign to accomplish before investing any amount of money.

Anger and Irrational Expectations

You probably already know how difficult these challenges can be if you’ve ever had to convince your managerial team of the value of content marketing. Though it has been popular for a while, many misconceptions exist about how content marketing operates and what management can gain from a content marketing investment.

Impatience is the first obvious obstacle. If you mention the term “years” in any pitch meeting with management, you’ll likely be met with chilly eyes and awkward silences. The fact remains that, even with a sizable and knowledgeable content marketing team at your disposal, it frequently takes several years for content to begin to perform as intended.

This is more of an expectation issue than a fault with content marketing per se. Many managers and executives are accustomed to more conventional marketing strategies’ comparatively quick return on investment. It’s a hard pill to swallow to ask them to pay for content marketing initiatives and possibly wait a few years for them to pay off.


You and other content stakeholders must first acknowledge that content marketing is time-consuming. Building an audience and credibility takes time; very few blogs become overnight sensations.

Your expectations are the second thing you have to control. Decide on reasonable goals for engagement and traffic rather than aiming too high, too quickly, and leaving yourself disappointed. Setting and completing reasonable goals is preferable to writing off your content marketing efforts as a bust due to unmet, overly ambitious objectives.

If the results of your content marketing campaigns exceed your expectations, be sure to have sufficient data to support the change in strategy and adjust your targets appropriately.


Content is the most powerful instrument in your marketing strategy, so ensure the information you choose is accurate and get to know your intended audience. 

Remain succinct but sympathetic in your message. Provide content that elevates your brand from a supplier to a reliable collaborator and partner. To ensure you don’t miss anything, develop and record a content strategy. Remember always to record your successes as well as areas for improvement.

And if you need a one-on-one walkthrough on Content Marketing, be sure to give us a call or message us on any of our platforms. Also, visit our website for more content marketing advice.

Digital Darwinism

Digital Darwinism, or “Survival of the smartest ads,” is a digital marketing trend emphasizing how digital ads must change and adapt to endure in a constantly shifting environment. To create effective digital advertisements, it highlights the significance of technology, data-driven insights, consumer preferences, agility, high-quality content, sustainability, transparency, and trust. Today’s marketers must constantly adapt and create ads that respect consumer privacy and preferences while engaging, resonating, and converting instead of interrupting.

AI Oracle

In digital marketing, the “AI Oracle” trend uses models trained with artificial intelligence to forecast future consumer purchases. These models generate intelligent predictions about what customers will likely purchase next by examining historical behavior and data. This boosts customer engagement and sales by enabling marketers to tailor their campaigns, make product recommendations, and optimize their approaches. This is a strong trend that uses AI’s predictive power to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing.

Nomad Consumers 

The term “Nomad Consumers” captures today’s mobile-connected, always-on consumers. Marketing campaigns that are responsive, location-based, and mobile-friendly are necessary to reach these consumers. Nomad consumers are constantly on the go and demand a convenient and consistent shopping experience, so these campaigns should be made to grab attention on the fly, engage users in real time, and offer seamless experiences across devices.

Echo Chambers and AI 

This digital marketing trend focuses on using AI to fight echo chambers and filter bubbles that can restrict exposure to various viewpoints online. Marketers are employing AI to evaluate and diversify content recommendations to expose customers to a broader variety of content and goods. Digital marketing seeks to foster a more informed and inclusive consumer experience by dismantling barriers to bias, thereby enabling a healthier online ecosystem.

Brand Time Travelers

This trend uses futuristic techniques to target customers. By using data analytics and trend forecasting, marketers can predict the wants and needs of future generations before they even enter the market, allowing them to develop campaigns and products that appeal to them. This trend will enable brands to stay ahead of the curve and connect proactively with potential customers.

What is content marketing?

Content advertising is a marketing approach that centers on generating content material to reply to queries and address the pain points of targeted audiences to increase traffic and conversions.

What does content marketing mean?

For the majority of people, producing blog posts, eBooks, and other online writing to increase visibility and boost sales is content marketing. However, content marketing can also refer to pictures, videos, infographics, and posts on social media.

What are examples of content marketing?

Your blog, a branded YouTube channel, an ebook, or even an email newsletter are a few examples of content marketing. 

What types of content marketing are there?

Numerous forms of content marketing exist. eBooks, blog posts, articles, white papers, social media, paid advertisements, billboards, and many other materials are some of the most widely used content marketing formats.

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